In unfortunate news, Mike Naran, David Pait, and Dylan Taylor will be leaving Sparks The Rescue. The band will continue on with founding members Alex Roy and Toby McAllister, with plans to tour and record new music in the new year. A message from Alex and Toby, as well as one’s from Mike and David, can be seen below.
It comes with heavy hearts to write this, but we want to keep you in the loop on what’s going on with Sparks The Rescue. Throughout the past few years we have gone through many amazing times together, and many hardships. There comes a time in everyone’s lives where they need to take a step back, and evaluate what they are doing, and why. This is one of those times. Mike, Dave and Dylan will be parting ways with STR after our show this Saturday, Dec. 22 at The Space in Hamden, CT. This is an amicable departure and we all still love each other as brothers and as a family. We understand that this may come as a bit of a shock to the fans and friends, but we would appreciate it if everyone could be understanding and respectful of their decisions.
As for the future of Sparks The Rescue, although the times are changing, we are NOT breaking up. Alex and Toby have been in this band for many years, and their passion is still strong for music and with the band. Plans are already in motion to be back in the studio at the end of January, recording new music, as well as tours in 2013 that will be announced after the holiday season. It is a sad day for all of us, but in another sense, it is a new beginning. Alex and Toby are very excited about the new year, and we think you will be too with the coming announcements. So we hope you all have a great Christmas and a happy new year. Please understand how much we love and appreciate every single one of you. See below for statements from Mike and David. Ā – Alex and Toby
While this is really sad for me to write I feel like I needed to do it. Sparks has been a family for me for the last 2 – 2 1/2 years and I wouldn’t give up any one of those days for anything. That being said, this Saturday December 22nd will be my last show with sparks the rescue, for now. There may be a time where we decide to play shows together again but for now I will not be actively pursuing it. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and this band over the years. Without you I wouldn’t have the great memories that will last forever. Please, if you live in the CT area come out to the space in Hamden, CT this Saturday for a great time! – Dave
After 3 years of touring with my brothers, I have decided to leaveSparks The Rescue to pursue my own musical endeavors. I’ll always love the guys and every fan I’ve met along the way. Everyone that bought merch and let us sleep on their floor. This Saturday, like Dave, will be my last show with Sparks. Since it’s in CT I’d like to go out with a bang in my home state. Come support and sing along š .See you all in 2013! – Mike