*now playing*

The Gunz Show – Interview w/ You, Me, and Everyone We Know

I, eventually after freaking out.. starting to get suicidal about things.. I started to see a therapist and started seeing about medication and stuff and just being like I need to figure this out — whatever’s going on with me… I can’t keep suffering… I need to sort out the things that are messing me up… I eventually found out I suffer from PTSD from childhood things that happened… but I’ve realized that it’s okay that you’re damaged and It’s been a lesson in learning and that’s sort of what this whole EP is about.

YMAEWK had such potential at one point… and then it seemed like it all quickly disappeared..   but Ben is back… and here he is in his first interview regarding the upcoming new album from the band…

I go right at him and ask him directly what happened – does he blame himself for some of the things that went down?   What was the underlining cause of it?  Is he a changed man, and more.

Give it a listen.  Whatever you may want to think of him personally, one can’t deny that YMAEWK was and still can be a very good band, and he’s always been supportive of The Gunz Show, which is why I was happy to have Ben back on.

– gunz

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